Frontpoint Security System - Arming Options
The Frontpoint Security System lets you control how you are your system.
OFF — When your Frontpoint Security system is turned off, some of the features of the sensors are still active. Your Frontpoint Security App will still alert you if a doorway that our window is opened. The environmental and life security systems are active 24/7 and will still send a signal if a fire breaks out or there are excessive carbon monoxide emissions current.
Stay– Your Frontpoint Home Security system will also let you arm just the windows and doors in the “stay” mode. This will let you move about the home freely while the perimeter is protected.
Away– The Frontpoint alarm away style will trigger any interior motion sensors as well as the windows and doors.
Instant — You are able to eliminate the entry delay in your Frontpoint security system by arming it in instant manner.
Duress – You may set up a special duress code to use if someone were to force you to disarm the system. This special code is available at no additional cost and does not affect Frontpoint Security prices. It will trigger immediate emergency response.
Panic – Most Frontpoint Alarm Systems are equipped with emergency panic buttons. These buttons signal the monitoring station that there is an occupied panic emergency. In this case, they will immediate dispatch the appropriate authorities and then call to verify the signal.